The summer began with a trip with friends to a conference in California a much needed weekend escape
out of the Arizona Heat. A chance to bond with new friends ( toes in the ocean and Pinkberry Yogurt).August attended a Film Festival, totalled my car( thank God I was not injured). September
was a busy month. Heading into October and the opportunity to go back to Atlanta. It had been 31 years since I had seen Georgia in it's regal fall colors. In any direction I looked it was spectacular &
as the 2 weeks went at a rapid pace the colors became more dramatic & intense. Yes Phoenix does get fall colors, however it is usually in December and my mind is less on the few trees and more on worldly
things, like holiday parties and church plays and end of year paper work for my business. The Georgia trip reconnected me with a friend who lives in Texas that I had not seen in 10 + years. She saw on Facebook that I was in Atlanta, when I whined about the temperature of 39 degrees while waiting for a Shuttle. she was heading to Atlanta for a new job training event. Spent some quality time with my mom. Realized I want her back in Arizona. Her Chihuahua had puppies the week I arrived. Best Highlight attended Jentezen Franklins Church. He played the saxophone and the anointing flowed
in this Mega Church.
Back in Phoenix and a Supernatural Conference with some awesome meetings & worship.
Thanksgiving off to Henderson & Searchlight Nevada for family time.
January 3 off to the PPAI trade show in LasVegas and then January 20 off to ISS show in Long Beach
back in Phoenix and did the The Beyond Wealth seminar ending the month of January and Beginning February and a new business. BodHD. .If you are ready to do a 10 day Weight Loss Challenge go to the
link and give me a call on the number listed there or email me.
I am making a commitment to write in my blog at least once a week from this day on.