Saturday, December 15, 2012

NewTown CT Why

As we head into this week before the Christmas Celebration.
For the families of those who lost their lives in NewTown the Christmas Holiday will never be the same, when others are celebrating Christs birth, they will be remembering one Friday morning that
their Lives were turned upside down.
My prayers are that the families will know that God loves them and will comfort them in this
the worst moment in their lives.
I have no words that I could write that could express what each person is experiencing, In this situation a hug & holding the person would be all I could do. I remember in The Oklahoma Bombings when a friends brother was killed. There were no words then or now & to this I have no words.
Just prayers to my God for the comfort that only God can give each person.

 I am sure I am not the only person who is asking the question of Why to the murders in NewTown.
 I don't think any of us know the answer.
The person who committed this act is dead and the mother who gave birth to him & knew more about him  than anyone  is also dead.
I do know that my eyes were filled with tears for the loss of the those who were murdered . Children are so precious.....and their futures were so bright!
The teachers and leaders who were there to help them in their pursuit of destiny, also murdered.
I do know that the person who took so many lives had to be totally evil or mentally ill.
Personally I don't believe  our system is set up to handle the mentally ill.
I know too many families who have tried to get help and have ran into a system that doesn't work.
I do know that guns are not evil, however the persons who have access to the guns is another
story. ( whether it is Mental or Evil problem the results are the same....)
How could a sane person have shot children or adults.
Even though I am hundreds miles away from NewTown... I  think of my friends who are teachers and other friends that have children in school.
School should be a safe place. How do parents explain this to their young children, to that I have
no answer. This could have happened in Anytown, USA
I do know that my comfort comes from God. My prayers are that God will provide  comfort to the families in NewTown/
 God is the  provider of  comfort. Hug those you Know today. Don't let Fear get in your way of saying I Love You. Make a difference in your World today. Psalm 23

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Invitation to a Historical Event

Super Saturday Invite
 Have you thought about a second job, a part time opportunity or owning a full time business.
Here is the opportunity to come out & hear from two successful and powerful owners of MLM companies.
In today's strange economy and job market isn't it about time you looked at options to take charge of your life. It is up to each of us to fulfill our purpose in life. Having your own business could provide the funds to make your dreams a reality.
Two companies that will be taking their products to the nations & you becoming part of this incredible adventure.
On August 13,2012 BodHD & b:hip Global became one amazing team.
Ray Grimm & his wife Daran will be in Scottsdale to introduce the BodHD affiliates to owner
Terry LaCore of b:hip Global. 
If you sign up in the next few days for less than $200 with BodHD you will be Grandfathered in to b:hip Global at their professional Level.
My invitation is to come out Saturday as my guest & see what you think.
My cell # 602-770-0614, Linda Martin
Here is the info for this amazing event
On Saturday, Aug 18th we will have a Super Saturday from 11:00 – 4:30 at the Marriott Suites in Scottsdale Old Town. This event will feature Terry LaCore, Founder of bHIP, Dr Tony Worth, Chief Scientist for AC-11 (the bHIP Activar Product) and of course Daran and Ray Grimm will be there. We will learn about the international history of bHIP along with a complete training on the bHIP Comp Plan. This event is open to everyone, so please invite guests. 

10:30 – 11:00 AM  -  Registration
11:00 AM  -  Event begins
1:00 – 2:15 PM  - Lunch Break
2:15 – 4:30 PM  - Recognition and Comp Plan Training
4:30 PM -  Event ends
 Hope you decide to invest time to check this out.

Thanks for reading my blog. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

First Day of Summer Fusion Party

I am having a BodHD Fusion Party tonight June 21. It is the 1st day of Summer and a great time to Introduce the Fusion Shakes. Want to Lose 10 pounds in 10 days. Come out to the party tonight and
see how awesome the Shakes taste. Location Linda Martin's home( located at the Legacy Golf Resort)   7049 South Golfside Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85042. Time 6pm -730pm Great opportunity to network. Bring 3 people & sign up & win airfare for 2 & 2 nights in a hotel in 1 of 7 cities.Call Linda 602-770-0614 for gate code .

Saturday, April 14, 2012

212 Degrees Event Official Launch of BodHD & a blog invite

We are 6 days away from the Official Launch of BodHD! I am sure a lot of people occasionally wonder what it would have been like if they had  bought stock in Microsoft or Apple when it went public. I know that I had the opportunity &  I thought a vacation or some other item was much more important. I have friends who bought stock & they retired millionaires a few years later.

So what does Apple and Microsoft stock have to do with BodHD?  I believe that there are a lot of
opportunities in the world, however I don't think that most people hear about but 2 or 3 in their lifetime . Once we find an amazing opportunity what do we do?
 Do we take action, think about it, research it, ask 20 friends what they think, want to sleep on it!
45 days ago when someone told me about the opportunity, I said yes!
This company has everything in High Definition: Products: Technology: Leadership & more!
I love the products & the MLM business opportunity has amazing ways to earn income & bonus & lifestyle earnings.
Here is my invitation to you to join us at the Friday Night Opportunity Meeting 7:15PM -8:15PM!
 This part of Launch Weekend is Free.
Scottsdale Hilton Resort
6333 North Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85250-5428
Please RSVP to Linda Martin email  or Cell 602-770-0614

Also If you are into Health
 or would like to have an amazing income stream!
If you stop for coffee you would spend more in 1 year on coffee than this will cost you!
Join today at my website any questions call me!
Go to:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Enzymes and Weight Loss

It's great when people share how products work for them. About 4 weeks ago I met a person who had weight to lose, however he had decided to try the Enzymes Our product BLD.  Ran into him last night & He has  dropped  22 pounds in 1 month by making BLD a part of his diet. Our Products are totally Awesome . Check out by clicking on
BLD. & all of our great products. Launch weekend coming April 20. Join for FREE now, Lock in your Position  & have 14 days to make a decision. Have a great day.Get  Healthy & Get Paid to Share!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Reflections on Decisions... Don't Hesitate

Life is full of decisions.... I think about all the people that I tell about products and how those products have changed my life.The end of January 2011, I was introduced to Kangen water, & it was love from the first glass.
Why because I felt healthier, more energized and small pains of aging were gone. I noticed when walking there was a spring in my step, I no longer walked like a 67 year old and  my age spots were disappearing and my white  hair was  beginning to get new growth that was the original color.  my acid re flux was gone.  My cats one who is 17 began to have more energy & could jump up on the bed with ease. Living in the desert it is so easy to get dehydrated... The Kangen water is great for hydration because of the micro clustering properties
and the water taste amazing, like water from a mountain spring. What made me think of this is friends of mine came by on Sunday & took water home for the 1st time. Got a text tonight His shoulder no longer hurts! Love the comments from friends who try the water..... his story is like so many others that I have heard at the Kangen meetings & saw in friends & family that drink the water. So even if you don't want to buy a machine, find a friend who has machine, most likely they will want to share the water with you....If someone gives you a gallon...Don't let it sit on a shelf drink it & feel the energy & perhaps that pain that was there in your body will vanish!. click here and visit my Kangen Site .
Back to making decisions. In my life I have met some of the Rock Stars of Network Marketing and have  attended many events where they were the speakers.
The end of January 2012  a friend of mind Erin  told me about a company that would be launching in April.
I was on my way out of town to attend a trade show. I listened to her & John Michael for 10 minutes & heard the opportunity. This company had a unique comp plan with a Bonus Pool. What was so unique? I immediate saw that if I signed up Free that  night I was locking  in with a position and that everyone who joined from that moment in time would be in my Bonus Pool if I chose to go forward with the business. This was a WIN WIN situation...
I know the odds of my signing a Rock Star MLM  might be like winning power ball, but there will be many   Rock Star MLM people to join this company and I want them in my Bonus Pool. There was no doubt or hesitation on my part. I signed ...Take 5 minutes and visit my website & watch your Bonus Pool Grow and then decide if you want to be a part of this amazing company with products that are
incredible.I would like to invite you to attend an opportunity meeting ( email me or call me for meeting times)
However we are 17 days away from launch. Join for FREE RIGHT NOW!.
 If you can commit order some products & sign up for the Launch... Great speakers & meet the Founders of the company and much more.
To leap in click here  Health and Wealth Opportunity Sign Up For Free today  look in the upper left corner
and click on  JOIN....Did I mention the products.. love the Fusion Shakes and the BLD (enzymes) Radiant
and Daily. Took the P3 when I was hurting with the flu (symptoms left within 2 hours). Looking forward
to hearing your testimony.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Madness with my BodHD Team

My definition of March Madness is:the realization that  I am on the Best Team in any MLM. The BodHD Company Launches on April 20-21 2012. I am excited about this opportunity. When I began this blog last summer I am sure I did not know I would be in this place in the history of a new start up.
Having launched several small business, this is second nature to me. I love the challenges that comes with a new project. The difference in my March Madness and the final 4 is we are not eliminating we are adding teams[Brackets  every day]. The Wellness Industry is predicted to exceed 1 Trillion Dollars by the end of this decade.( this from Paul Zane Pilzer book " The Next Trillion" published in 2001... He states that fortunes will be created in the Wellness industry.
BodHD is the perfect product for a 2012 launch ( like the perfect positive storm). Our product has enzymes, super foods, whole foods, & more...
Join our team and make history in  this wellness opportunity of a lifetime!
Today March 7, 2012 at 530PM join us at the
Thrive Dream Factory :
2501 N 7th Street Phoenix, AZ 85006
call Linda if you have questions
my cell # 602.770.0614
Time 530 - 645PM to try Fusion Shake
or 7PM-8PM for a Presentation

Monday, February 6, 2012

Where did 2011 go!

The summer began with a trip with friends to a conference in California a much needed weekend escape
out of the Arizona Heat. A chance to bond with new friends ( toes in the ocean and Pinkberry Yogurt).August  attended a Film Festival, totalled my car( thank God I was not injured). September
was a busy month. Heading into October and the opportunity to go back  to Atlanta. It had been 31 years since I had seen Georgia in it's regal fall colors. In any direction I looked it was spectacular &
as the 2 weeks went at a rapid pace the colors became more dramatic & intense. Yes Phoenix does get fall colors, however it is usually in December and my mind is less on the few trees and more on worldly
things, like holiday parties and church plays and end of year paper work for my business. The Georgia trip reconnected me with a friend who lives in Texas that I had not seen in 10 + years. She saw on Facebook that I was in Atlanta, when I whined about the temperature of 39 degrees while waiting for a Shuttle. she was heading to Atlanta for a new job training event.  Spent some quality time with my mom. Realized I want her back in Arizona. Her Chihuahua  had puppies the week I arrived. Best Highlight attended Jentezen Franklins Church. He played the saxophone and the anointing flowed
in this Mega Church.
Back in Phoenix and a Supernatural Conference with some awesome meetings & worship.
Thanksgiving off to Henderson & Searchlight Nevada for family time.
January 3 off to the PPAI trade show in LasVegas and then January 20 off to ISS show in Long Beach
back in Phoenix and did the The Beyond Wealth seminar ending the month of January and Beginning February and a new business.  BodHD. .If you are ready to do  a 10 day Weight Loss Challenge go to the
link and give me a call on the number listed there or email me.
I am making a commitment to write in my blog at least once a week from this day on.